often decently educated and prays regularly (which is fine). Believes Islam can
co-exist comfortably with modernity (which is again fine) but then goes on to
believe that Islam was always already modern. In fact it was the most uptodate
religion that ever emerged and the holy book is always relevant and never
context bound. No wonder all scientific discoveries were already mentioned in
the holy book but waited to be unearthed mostly by non-believers.
Believes that just few got the
religion wrong and misused it while majority have nothing to do with such
extremist ideologies. First condemns ISIS, then condemns Bangladeshi murderers,
then condemns the fatwa spewing mullahs and lastly condemns Taslima Nasreen and
Ayaan Hirsi Ali who got it all wrong.
On the gender question is adamant
that women are given equal rights in Islam. But while Muslim women donning
purdah is agency, Muslim men steering clear of such overtly religious attire is
also agency. Socialization anybody??
Will condemn murder of gay rights
activists but go on to quote verses to prove how sexual minorities will burn in
the hottest fires of Jahannum because they are not ‘normal’ and sex is only for
procreation. Will talk of a need of reforms in everything except Muslim
Personal Law. Will be offended more by pictures, cartoons, books and movies
than by the glaring socio-economic deprivation.
Will rightly talk of Islamophobia but be utterly
dismissive of radicalization. Will talk of Muslim women’s rights and dignity
but maintain an uncanny educated silence on taking on conservative mullahs who
make a joke of gender justice.
Will talk of the beautiful tradition
of Ijtehad but never engage with ex-Muslims or atheists. Pretend that radical
schools of thought does not prepare the ground for fanatics to tread on. Youngsters
being brainwashed by promises of 72 virgins in Jannat will be declared as an
And lastly brush off everything as a
grand old Zionist conspiracy – that’s the hot favourite!!